so this is the cover. my senior made it. this edition is made by the 17 generation. im in the 18 generation. so, im not really participating in this edition.
and so im going to tell u the best comic in this edition base on my oponion.
the fisrt is the Black Spell Rebellion (/'0')/ made by my lovely beautiful senior sis' Shila!! btw Shila is not her real name you'll know her real name if u buy this book ;)
aaaah i adore her very much much much. her drawing is supa cool!! the body propotion is just extremely AAAHHH *A* the other thing that make me in love with this comic is the OUTFITS, LINEART and the COMIC TONE (idk what they call it)
she extremely good at designing the outfits and the identation (lekukan) of the clothes is just amazing *o*
the lineart is so neat and cool (10C cant make neat lineart. so she's so overreacting when she finds neat lineart) NO IM NOT OVERREACTING HEH. THE LINEART IS TRULY NEAT AND AHH YOU KNOW xD
and the comic tone too!! how did she survive from the tiring inking thing? look at the her page. a lot of blacky-blacky panels there. i bet her hand's really tired :0 but really, she's so cool!
of course beside the artist, i love the story too but, but, THE ATTRACTING ONE IS DA DRAWING!! but the author is great too.. and, um, actually i dont know the author even if we are in the same school, um.
OR she's not in da same school with me?? hum. mystery (SHOT)
ok, and now lets see the pagie-pagie in this comic :]
arent this pages cool!? look the line at the lineart and the tone. it's creepy but awesome and there are a lot of handsome guy too >//<
uah! i almost forgot to tell u the story. ok, this comic tell u about a young man whose body isnt his. suddenly, the owner come to get his body with the help of a mysterious lady and the story continues..
ARGH I CANT MAKE SUMMARY. JUST BUY THE BOOK. anyway it's still the prologue.
ok, lets move to the other comic. so, the other one is the Marienfanden!
the awesome comic made by my awesome senior sis' Lina (fake name)
sis Lina is sooooo awesome, extremely awesome at making body propotion, pose, hands, legs, expression and her coloring is soooooooooooooooo awesome.
she's awesome at making views, bg, bulidings, water too. uuuu i envy heeeer xI
awesome. awesome. awesome. that's all what i can say. why? because she's AWESOME :D
and the story is about two bestfriend that shouldn't be together and can't be together. read the comic. the story is awesome xD
for the final i wanna show you my lameeee picture for the fanart. it's supaaa lame lame lame lame lame.
i made it rush and sketchy because THAT WAS THE LAST DAY TO SUBMIT FOR THE FANART SECTION AND I HAVENT DRAW ANYTHING YET AND AND AND IM PANIIIC AND LATEEEE Q_Q (ok, this is too overreacting) so, my senior gave me a paper to draw and there's only pen and i have to hurry and so yeah, lame. lame. lame.
blah, my drawing skill is soooooooo far from sis' Lina and sis' Shila ;_; i want their skill. please give it to meeee (THROWNTOTHESEA)
if you are interested with this acolabs book. just comment or email me xD but, i'll ask my senior fisrt and the price isn't too expensive. only Rp 15.000
and there will be the SIXTH ACOLABS BOOK and this book is where im participating! so, wait for it!! Hehehe!
and sorry for the lame engrish. at least i try right :]
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